PZ in Minh Anh. I know, she's too dimly lit, but fill flash would have diminished the colored light behind her, and I had no small and subtle light source to set on the table. An occasion when compromise was the only option. Li'l pocket digital.
Men fishing near the East 55th St. end of Gordon Park, Labor Day weekend, 2006. Test roll from Canon FTb with 28mm wide-angle lens marked "J. C. Penney." Onboard TTL meter operant and accurate. Light seals a wee bit gummy but no leaks. $15 from Salvation Army. The FTb's test run took place on a Sunday afternoon with glowering banks of autumn clouds over the lake, and vintage planes overhead from the Cleveland Air Show.
For some out-of-town friends who haven't seen this place before. I still find it completely startling whenever I approach it in its otherwise nondescript pre-Depression-era neighborhood. The eastern flank of the cathedral is now menaced by a massive development of stratospherically-priced cluster-condos for the haute bourgeois who think it's hip to live in funky old Tremont.
In the abysmal Cleveland economy, nothing is safe: a couple of years ago, thieves stole portions of the green copper that covers the domes, apparently to sell as scrap. Thankfully, they've been repaired.
The magic point-and-shoot again, the always reliable and surprising Canon AF35ML with the f:1.9 lens.
The bad news first: Polaroid is discontinuing all instant film. The good news is that they'll stop manufacturing it only when they've created enough stock to last through the end of 2009. I'm guessing there's going to be enough of a run on it to produce a perhaps unexpected sales spike, but still not enough to make them change their mind. The press release said Polaroid will concentrate instead on digital media and printers, which is already well covered by quite a few other companies. Seems at best a stopgap measure on the way to final closure.
The reliable old Polaroid Impulse here, with standard 600 film.